
Wider Circles for Therapy

When life presents difficulties, therapy can offer invaluable positive outcomes. But it can also be challenging and scary. Imagine not facing problems alone; within family contexts, you rarely are.

What if, instead of focusing solely on the individual, we involve a wider circle of people? By doing so, we can enhance our ability to tackle problems and achieve better results together.

That is the story of Multisystem Therapy, a proven method of inclusive family therapy. To portray how this approach cultivates positive results for larger networks of families and friends, I crafted two scenarios featuring families in similar situations.

Wellbeing & Society


Communicating difficult topics can be a challenge. How do you talk about emotional issues like broken families, when they're also your target audience? And who in their right mind would use colorful, cotton-candy characters to do that job?

The client's goal was simple: making Multisystem Therapy more accessible and relatable to troubled families, including their younger members.

What followed was the creation of two flawed families filled with personality, combined with an accessible script and a dash of humor. These quirky characters achieved what the client was looking for; two stories designed to resonate with the families they aim to assist.

Character design
Storyboard and final shot
Created by
From Here On Out
Produced by
Bleck Media